The Sims 2 Super Collection

- edited August 2016I'm downloading Sims 2 Super Collection right now (which has been a masochistic exercise since every time my Internet connection goes out, which happens all the time in rural Scotland, it restarts the download from scratch, but 12 hours later I'm still not giving up), and I'm wondering: what differences will I notice? Does the game look any different from the old regular Sims 2 on the Mac? It says on the App Store that it's got several enhancements exclusively for Mac but I don't really understand what that'll mean in my game:
- Native resolution support, including 4K and Retina
- Drastically improved performance, thanks to an all new renderer
Also, my old beloved Sims 2 game gradually nuked itself after about 5 years because we had corrupted the poor soul out of that game without realising it. Now I'm wiser and have seen this guide for avoiding corruption, but I'm wondering whether there are any mods that really help with preventing corruption.
the game will mostly be the same just with better graphics and frame rate. dont know any mods that can help.2 - The only mod is use is the espresso machine and the money cheats
- I needed a mod to fix black squares under sims' feet. And find a guide on how to get 1080p.
- @Terra
First congrats on getting your UC, I am not a long time player of 2 but I love it now. I am not sure what the differences may be between mac and windows OS systems but yes there are mods that help with corruption it just depends what you are actually looking for?
Because I got used to mods and CC after the sims 3 series finished I wasted no time adding a ton of them to 2 also without knowing too much about what causes corruption.
the following link has a massive list of what not to do to cause corruption in the game and I admit it was all way over my head when I first started playing so my advice would be to play the game as you like to and check if you think you are about to do anything wrong before you do it or come out of the game add the relevant mod and start the game up again that's how I got better and started to remember what I could and could not do..
For example I don't like old fashioned houses and community lots in my game but was aware if lots had urns and I deleted them this would cause corruption so I downloaded something called the lot inspector mod which is an object when clicked on in game informs you if there are any urns or other problems to do with the property prior to bulldozing the empty lot. (never bulldoze a lot with sims living in them or an owned business)
This mod can be found on the following link
If there is an urn on the property you want to demolish the best way to remove it safely is to create a cemetery in your town and get a sim to take the urn there.
Never save a family and home lot to the bin either
I have not experienced too many problems in the short time I have been playing 2 but I did add the following mods from the get go
No corrupted death package
no unlinkondelete package
creature fix package ( this is supposed to stop the downtown vampires going on a biting spree causing corruption by biting NPC's like Mrs Crumplebottom)
Don't interact with the NPC's Like Mrs Crumplebottom and the Unsavory Charleston as apparently this can cause corruption as well.
After installing these few recommended mods as time went on I started to remember what I should not do in game to cause corruption and then I moved on the what I call the niggle mods ( the ones I want in game to change certain sim behaviors I don't like-)
If you want a mod that changes sims motives ( invaluable-) and similar a really useful mod that comes as an object placed in residential and community lots is the sim blender, its the first mod I ever used when I started playing sims 2 and its so easy and useful. it can be downloaded on the following link and there is a description of what the mod can actually do.
I am not sure if you used the Hack Conflict Detection Utility before when you used to play which basically checks for mods that conflict with one another but it is a good idea and it does work. it can be downloaded from the following link
you will also need clean installer if you intend downloading lots and using them in game and this can be found on the following link
Also you will need CEP if you intend to use any recolors of objects/cc in your game and that can be found on the following link
Another thing I want to mention is that a lot of players who were used to playing the disc version of the game found that the path where mods/programs are installing with this new digital version of the series is different and while I never played the discs version of the game before I was also experiencing similar problems when I first started to download these programs/mods that I wanted to use.
I found what was happening was that these programs were actually installing into the sims 2 folder and not the sims 2 ultimate collection folder as outlined below.
My documents
1st EA games folder when clicked into you will see
The sims 2 folder then underneath
The sims 2 ultimate collection folder (this contains your downloaded game files)
2nd Ea games (empty can be ignored)
If you want to add mods/CC you will need to make a folder called Downloads with a capital D and place your mods and cc in there and add it into your sims 2 ultimate collection.
There is some great info concerning file paths for UC on the following link and when I followed the instructions everything worked for me
If you want to find and use the sims 2 body shop you will have to follow this path
C:Program Files (x86)Origin GamesThe Sims 2 Ultimate CollectionFun with PetsSP9CSBin
once there you will see the body shop icon click on it and add a shortcut to your desktop or wherever else you wish to put it and then you will have bodyshop ready anytime you wish to use it.
And I lastly I also experienced problems with 2 sometimes in that it would not start up and I found that by going into Origin my games and clicking update game it fixes it every time.
Make sure you check everything I have outlined with Mac as I have no idea if all this info is for windows only.
Let me know how it works out for you or if I can be of any further help and above all enjoy the game
whenever I have experienced a problem with black triangles under sims feet changing the shadows in game in the game options stopped it for me however I notice online that it did not work for everyone so I saved this link to a mod to remove those shadows in case I would ever need it in the future. link below
I am sorry I know nothing about 1080p as I am experiencing my own problems in relation to a new graphics card I have just had installed and am trying to sort something like that out myself. to be able to get back into my game. - edited August 2016I needed a mod to fix black squares under sims' feet. And find a guide on how to get 1080p. download that and then go to where you installed the game at and place it at your most recent pack's file than open tsdata than open res than config and copy and paste it there and replace the current file. it will fix the shadows and lets you play with max resolution .if you dont know what your most recent pack is than copy and paste this file at all your packs to make sure you got it right0 - ooh @harun789
As you seem to know your way around rules sgr files I am wondering if you could help me at all with my current issue.
I had a PC upgrade this week which included a GeForce GTX 960 graphics card and now when I go in game my sims are blurry a little like being in safe mode if that makes sense and my smooth edges is greyed out in graphic game options so I cannot even use that.
I have tried everything from changing rules sgr files and tried the rules graphic maker program and a couple of other things that have not worked and now I am at the end of my tether.
Reading online the problem appears to be because the game will not recognize me new graphics card but nothing I have tried appears to correct this problem so am wondering would you have any other ideas I could try? - @Nette you don't need a mod. It can be fixed by turning off the shadows or turning it to low in optionsYoutube:
Blog: - Wow @SPARKY1922 - thanks for all the tips. I've never played with mods in TS2 before but I will definitely consider some of those for helping prevent corruption.My ideas for how to improve the Sims 4
Add Manage Neighbourhood Options - assign your own Sim to NPC jobs!
The Problems with Death in The Sims 4
Distinguish Elder gameplay with Elder-only reward traits
Filter Rugs by Room Size - I don't know if it was mentioned but here is a mod to remove the black square.
They say you can also just lower the settings in the game (I forget which one) but this way you'll still have the shadows from other stuff. - @Terra
You are very welcome I only played the 2 base game when it first came out for a little while and truly loved it but my life was so busy back then I did not have time to play then I lost the base game in a move, fast forward more years than i care to admit and everything was 3 so I bought everything 3 until I noticed people were still getting 2 UC and begged EA to give it to me which they did after I bought a new disc version of the base game and went from there.
I cannot begin to express the initial confusion I experienced playing 2 the whole series all at once and for a long time I tried to play like 3 and if it was not for some very helpful 2 players on this forum I might have given up lol
So while I don't understand the Mac system too much I do understand extreme frustration of trying to play a full new sims series and getting confused as to file paths and adding the best mods/cc and generally working out what the heck to do next so just ask and I will help in any way I can like other players helped me - edited August 2016ooh @harun789
As you seem to know your way around rules sgr files I am wondering if you could help me at all with my current issue.
I had a PC upgrade this week which included a GeForce GTX 960 graphics card and now when I go in game my sims are blurry a little like being in safe mode if that makes sense and my smooth edges is greyed out in graphic game options so I cannot even use that.
I have tried everything from changing rules sgr files and tried the rules graphic maker program and a couple of other things that have not worked and now I am at the end of my tether.
Reading online the problem appears to be because the game will not recognize me new graphics card but nothing I have tried appears to correct this problem so am wondering would you have any other ideas I could try?
have you tried to use the file i provided earlier it should fix all those graphical issues. i dont know any other solutions for the problem you are having.0 - @harun789
Just to let you know I downloaded and used the file from the link you provided but it did not work, I have since found other information and links to downloading the Graphics Rules file that are specifically related to Nvidia cards ( there are other download options for the Radeon and Intel graphics cards) and after 5 days of hell this has solved my problem and I am running sims 2 at the highest resolution/settings with almost perfect sim detail. The smooth edging in game options that had previously been greyed out is now back and usable
All the info and links to downloading the Graphics Rule file which is correct for your own brand of graphics card can be found from step 3 on the following link
I think its the screen resolutions you are wanting to change if so and you need any further info I have posted exact details how to do it on the following link and hope it can be of some use/help to you - @harun789
Just to let you know I downloaded and used the file from the link you provided but it did not work, I have since found other information and links to downloading the Graphics Rules file that are specifically related to Nvidia cards ( there are other download options for the Radeon and Intel graphics cards) and after 5 days of plum this has solved my problem and I am running sims 2 at the highest resolution/settings with almost perfect sim detail. The smooth edging in game options that had previously been greyed out is now back and usable
All the info and links to downloading the Graphics Rule file which is correct for your own brand of graphics card can be found from step 3 on the following link
I think its the screen resolutions you are wanting to change if so and you need any further info I have posted exact details how to do it on the following link and hope it can be of some use/help to you
i am sorry that i couldn't help you. but i am glad you were able to solve your problem.0 - @harun789
On the contrary you did help because it made me realize that it appeared there are differing graphic rules programs for different graphic cards and if I had not found that out I would not have been able to find the next step.
And even if you could not help the fact you responded and tried to means a lot to me - Yay, I'm glad you're working towards getting your issue resolved.
I finally got TS2: Super Collection to download on my computer - hooray! So far the only differences I've noticed are that the graphics are definitely a little better (though that may be because my laptop could handle higher graphics than our old computer) but the UI is really small! Still, I'm so happy to be playing the Sims 2 again.My ideas for how to improve the Sims 4
Add Manage Neighbourhood Options - assign your own Sim to NPC jobs!
The Problems with Death in The Sims 4
Distinguish Elder gameplay with Elder-only reward traits
Filter Rugs by Room Size - @Terra
I am so pleased you finally got the series to download and you are able to use and enjoy it ( I think it took me 2 days to download the UC )
Honestly last night was the first night I slept in days properly lol
I think mac users are quite lucky at the moment as you get the fill series including the castaway story's? window users don't get those.
Of course I started trying to add back what I call necessary mods and programs last night and came up against the incorrect file path lol but now those are all sorted again and I can get on with the bit of adding everything back a little at a time and testing.
Looking at your Avi do you still play 1 at all? I bought the complete series 1 a few weeks ago and it did actually look quite good on the set up prior to this upgrade but the sim detail was really awful so I am having a laptop made by my tech with all the right specs on just to play 1. I have been waiting for this laptop for a few weeks because I have been saving up for this PC upgrade first but now that's over with I will be playing 1 in the next couple weeks then after that I never want to hear about PC upgrades, specs or computers for a very long time
Come back and post some pics I would be really interested to see the picture quality of 2 on a mac - @Nette you don't need a mod. It can be fixed by turning off the shadows or turning it to low in options
That didn't work for me, but the mod worked somehow - @harun789
Just to let you know I downloaded and used the file from the link you provided but it did not work, I have since found other information and links to downloading the Graphics Rules file that are specifically related to Nvidia cards ( there are other download options for the Radeon and Intel graphics cards) and after 5 days of plum this has solved my problem and I am running sims 2 at the highest resolution/settings with almost perfect sim detail. The smooth edging in game options that had previously been greyed out is now back and usable
All the info and links to downloading the Graphics Rule file which is correct for your own brand of graphics card can be found from step 3 on the following link
I think its the screen resolutions you are wanting to change if so and you need any further info I have posted exact details how to do it on the following link and hope it can be of some use/help to you
Thank you for the info, I already fixed it about a year ago but this would be useful for members who haven't - Oh apologies @Nette
For some reason my brain is not taking in the information I am reading on posts at the moment and getting it wrong my only defense is extreme tiredness at the moment-) - @SPARKY1922 - Thanks, I'm having so much fun so far. I took loads of pictures but I forgot that they're not saved directly to my documents folder like in TS4, so I'll have to go back and take some more later. The graphics look better to me than they did in the past but it might be because I used to play with the lowest graphic settings.
I have never really played TS1 - my avatar is from The Urbz for GBA. Aside from Sims 2 for the PC, my favourite games of all time are The Urbz and The Sims 2 for GBA. Have you ever played any of the handheld Sims games? I also really love Bustin' Out.My ideas for how to improve the Sims 4
Add Manage Neighbourhood Options - assign your own Sim to NPC jobs!
The Problems with Death in The Sims 4
Distinguish Elder gameplay with Elder-only reward traits
Filter Rugs by Room Size - @Terra
apologies for getting your Avi mixed up I went for a quick google search to see what you were talking about and no I never seen those games before however I don't have a handheld console so never really looked. I have always got by with desktops/laptops but now you have mentioned it I suppose it could be a good idea for when out and about. I will do more research
Yes I learned the hard way about sims 2 pics not saving to my documents as well-) - Hi Guys, for weeks i'm searching the internet off to look for a way downloading the sims 1 or 2 on my macbook. I tried several versions downloaded from the internet which were great, untill I started the game and my macbook said that I had the wrong software. My macbook is running on EL capitain. So someone please help me and tell me there's a way to download one of these games on my macbook with this software because the sims 1 and 2 may have bad graphics. But the options and activities you can do on this game are so so much more fun then those on the sims 4 and 3, it's like they're building the game off more than on. PLEASE HELP!!!
- @Lotjemulderrr
I know nothing about Macs's for sims one I know from what other players have said 2 seems fine on a Mac so I will try call in our resident Mac specialist who may be able to help @WinMacSims3
I hope she responds - Hi Guys, for weeks i'm searching the internet off to look for a way downloading the sims 1 or 2 on my macbook. I tried several versions downloaded from the internet which were great, untill I started the game and my macbook said that I had the wrong software. My macbook is running on EL capitain. So someone please help me and tell me there's a way to download one of these games on my macbook with this software because the sims 1 and 2 may have bad graphics. But the options and activities you can do on this game are so so much more fun then those on the sims 4 and 3, it's like they're building the game off more than on. PLEASE HELP!!!
Sorry, I don't think I'm the best person to help since my computer can't run El Capitan and I'm on Yosemite. Did you download Sims 2 from the App Store?My ideas for how to improve the Sims 4
Add Manage Neighbourhood Options - assign your own Sim to NPC jobs!
The Problems with Death in The Sims 4
Distinguish Elder gameplay with Elder-only reward traits
Filter Rugs by Room Size - @Terra Yes i'm starting to think that's the only way, just pay for what you get. But I actually was looking for a free download.
The Sims 2 Super Collection 4k

The Sims™ 2: Super Collection delivers all of the award winning content from the original plus the addition of 6 expansion packs, and 3 “stuff” packs never before packaged together. Downloaded this a couple weeks ago half priced and wanted to share with you guys what it's all about! As always, thanks for watching! Don't forget to. Watch popular The Sims 2: Super Collection videos on Twitch!
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Click on 'Create a Family'- the big button in the bottom left corner of the screen. You can choose to continue with an existing family, but creating a new one helps you learn faster. Create 2 adults for the beginning: a man and a woman. Creating children and teens require better skills at Sims 2, while creating elders restricts much of your options.- Choose a family name and a name for each of the Sims.
- Customize your Sim's appearance. You can choose various hair styles, facial features and outfits for your Sim.
- Choose an aspiration for your Sim. The most interesting feature of The Sims 2 is the aspiration system- while The Sims 1 was a quite boring, endless game (your Sims never aged, and they had absolutely no wishes and/or purposes in life), your Sims now have wishes they must fulfill in order to keep them happy. The aspiration is the most important part of the game- basically everything you do with your Sim revolves around it. There are 5 aspirations in The Sims 2.
- Fortune- your Sim's wishes will be related mostly to buying expensive items and advancing in their jobs.
- Knowledge- your Sim's wishes will be related to gaining skill points, studying aliens, seeing ghosts and so on.
- Family- your Sim's wishes will be related to finding a significant other, having a baby, and keeping family members happy.
- Romance- your Sim's wishes will revolve around having as much simultaneous lovers as possible, making out with as many Sims as possible, and so on. Warning: they fear commitment, so don't have them getting engaged or married.
- Popularity- your Sim's wishes will revolve around having as many friends and best friends as possible, selling masterpieces and novels and throwing great parties.
- Decide your Sim's personality. The way you place personality points will have a huge impact on your gameplay with that Sim. Your Sim can be sloppy or neat, shy or outgoing, lazy or active, serious or playful, grouchy or nice, and everything in-between. It's recommended to display personality points equally- 5 points per personality trait (the maximum number of points is 10). But even a better option is to display personality points according to your Sim's aspiration: for example, for Sims with the Popularity aspiration, you have to make them more outgoing and nice, while for Sims with the Knowledge aspiration, you have to make them serious and active.