Maplestory Bypass V 97 Tr
5-6 Illustration sketches are included indicating 1983 traffic. Alternate 1 is considering a Route 63 bypass without a Route 36 bypass. The alternate 2 is a Route 36.bypass without a Route 63 bypass. 7-8 Alternate 3 considers a bypass for both 36 and 63. Traffic shown is for 1983. May 2, 2018 - Ispring Quizmaker 6.2 Serial Number Metallica Load Full Album Torrent Nideka Ne8800 Manual Maplestory Bypass V 97 Tr Gleaner.
Posted byBear_tek’s Comprehensive Wizard Guide v1.0 (GMS2 CBT2)
EDIT: This guide has now been updated to v1.2! Click the Google Docs link to see the updated guide (with PvP build)!
Bear_tek’s Comprehensive Wizard Guide v1.0 (GMS2 CBT2)
Hello friends, I thought I’d make a cheeky guide on the fundamentals of playing the wizard. This is all the stuff you’ll need to know to get started on your wizarding journey to become the greatest archmage of all time!
This post is missing important pictures where you see 📷! To see the full guide complete with pictures go here:
Who are you though, mate?
I’m bear_tek aka bear, a veteran Korean Maplestory 2 (KMS2) and Global CBT1/2 player from Australia. I’ve been playing and maining wizard since KMS2!
I reached the soft cap of level 70 in KMS2 and cap in Global CBT1/2 with the wizard, and I’ve learnt a thing or two to share with you guys. I’ve played every class in KMS2 (including Rune Blader, Striker and Soul Binder) except for Priest. I was also part of the strongest English guild in KMS2 – big shoutout to my friends from Awake!
Wizard Pros and Cons
- Strong DPS class, only inferior to Assassin in single target damage
- The best AOE damage class in the game (Heavy Gunner is close second!)
- Elemental skills are awesome (can bypass some dungeon mechanics in KMS2)
- You won’t be a Muggle
- Remains strong DPS after 2nd job skills come out (RIP assassin)
- Bear plays this class
- Not a berserker ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Squishy
- No self-sustain
- Big damage skills hard to land on moving targets
- Mediocre PvP class
Skill builds
It seems really complicated at first, having to pick between all the elemental skills, but the optimal skill build is actually this:
This is the Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Focus Seal build.
Below is a list of some other builds that I’ve tested for damage per minute (DPM) at level 50, with 3260 attack stat in CBT2.
Ranking by DPM:
Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Focus Seal (2.4M dpm avg.)
Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Ice Storm (2.38M dpm avg.)
Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Thunderbolt (2.38M dpm avg.)
Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Arcane Blast (2.36M dpm avg.)
These are tried and true builds based upon the optimal builds in KMS2 before 2nd job skills. I haven’t included other non-Flame Wave/Tornado builds because they don’t compare!
If you don’t care for the theory behind this, get on ya bike and skip the rest of this section.
But if you stayed, I know what you’re thinking, “why would I use maxed Claw if it does 125% damage x2 per cast”?
This is where we talk about some hidden Wizard tricks that OG KMS2 players use. I’m about to blow your mind.
Important Wizard Mechanics (wall of text incoming)
There are a few important Wizard mechanics to understand to maximise your damage output.
Macros make the wizard one of the mechanically easiest classes to play in the game.
In fact, you put every single damage skill you need on the one button, like this:
The skill priority for the macro is Flame Tornado > Phantom Claw > Flame Wave > Phantom Claw > Flame Wave etc.
(Claw and Flame Wave alternate until Flame Tornado comes off cooldown.)
Macros also have the added benefit of animation cancelling some skills. Faster skill casts = more damage output. Neat!
This is where is gets interesting.

My Wizard can cast Flame Wave about 14 times in 10 seconds. If I put Flame Wave on a macro by itself, I can cast the skill about 2x faster if I hold down macro + arrow key.
Don’t believe me? Go and try it yourself!
It gets better, this works for Ice Spear as well. Fast attack speed = faster freezing – this is why Ice Spear is the best PvP spam ability.
But hold onto your pants mate, because I have some bad news for you. Faster casting = running out of Spirit faster too. When you run out of Spirit you can’t cast your Flame Tornados for big damage and all you have left is… Phantom Claw.
This is why weaving Phantom Claw between Flame Wave using the macro is beneficial – because it makes you lose almost 0 spirit so you can attack indefinitely.
Your next question is probably, “Big boss bear, why can’t I just spam Flame Wave and then spam Claw”?
Weirdly enough, this is actually less DPM than weaving the two skills. Even though Flame Wave animation is 2x faster than normal and the speed of Phantom Claw is the same, the overall DPM is less.
After some discussion with other KMS2 Wizard veterans, we have come up with the following theories:
You don’t benefit from the extra DoT damage from Flame Wave if you’re constantly spamming it (whereas Claw does)
You spend more time spamming Claw in total (a weaker skill)
You lose efficiency on your Flame Tornado casts and swapping between skills
There is a slight animation cancel when weaving Claw and Flame Wave
Regardless of the actual reason (if you’re a bigger nerd than I am and know the answer send me a PM), weaving does more DPM in every test I’ve seen.
Jump Clawing
Jump Clawing is another very simple thing to do to maintain your DPM against moving enemies. As you move towards them, you attack. The problem here is that you’re unable to actually cast with the macro midair because the fire skills can only cast when you’re standing still.
You get around this by using having Claw on a separate key from your macro and spamming it as you jump towards your enemy, and then swap back to your macro when you are in position.
Why Focus Seal build?
The Claw-Flame Wave-Tornado-Focus Seal build is actually a much better build than the others listed despite the small gap between DPM. You have less variation in DPM on moving targets because you only have 1 big cooldown skill to cast (Flame Tornado), so the bulk of your damage is carried by weaving.
More importantly, Focus Seal provides a straight damage boost to your entire party, not just you. More party damage is better, unless you’re going for the cheeky #1 spot on the 10-man Raid board.
(But don’t do that… haha)
PvP – Ice Shard Machine Gun Build
In the works, but remember that macroing Ice Shard is your best friend!
Gear and Stat Priority
Of course you need to aim for level 50 legendary gear ASAP for better base stats, but the most important aim is to reach the Gear Score (GS) requirement for the late game dungeons and raids.
Once you reach the GS thresholds for the dungeon or raid you want to farm, then you should be thinking about your attack stat, more than the GS of your character.
Generally speaking, the most important part of your kit to enchant first is your weapon – you make large GS gains from upgrading your weapon to +10, as well as the other benefit of clearing dungeons faster (provided you aren’t dying).
Accessories are the next most important part of becoming the world’s hugest wizard – if you aren’t lucky enough to get the stats you want on your accessories, make sure you check the Black Market (BM) regularly for gear with the stats you want.
I won’t mention specific gear here, because this is very much subject to change as the game develops. Use the section below as your guide for how to choose your gear. Digimon story: super xros wars blue.
Stat Priority
(at time of writing)
Piercing > Critical Damage/Ranged Damage > Magical Piercing > Accuracy/Attack Speed/Fire Damage (in PvP move attack speed to second place)
The best stat in the game is, and always has been, piercing. Since forever, this stat has been the meta defining stat in KMS2 and it seems to function the same in GMS2. The impact of this stat isn’t easily demonstrated on dummies as their defence is low compared with bosses. Don’t confuse this physical or magical piercing!
Piercing helps to bypass enemy defence, thereby increasing the effectiveness of all other stat bonuses you have. You should aim for the commonly quoted cap of 30% piercing damage.
You can obtain piercing on all accessories including belts; try also to get a favourable secondary stat line too! You can aim for a magical piercing stat of 10-15%.
Following the release of Awakening skills in KMS2, the meta shifted away from Critical Damage as the best secondary stat due to boss critical resistance. In this particular meta, it was overtaken by the Accuracy and Melee/Ranged Damage stats.
The endgame bosses had a lot more evasion than previous patches, and Melee/Ranged Damage was not mitigated by bosses as much as Critical Damage. Who knows how the meta will change for GMS2, but these are my thoughts on current stat priority.
An important thing to note about Accuracy - if you’re missing, you’re losing DPM! Get more Accuracy if that happens.
Don’t forget to place and use the Scion of Light souvenir in your player house. It can be found under Furnishing > Souvenirs. It gives a free 60 minute buff for 4% piercing!
Maplestory Bypass V 97 Troubleshooting
Alright team, that pretty wraps up the fundamentals of the wizard in MS2. You are now ready to get out there and show the Muggles of the Maple World what you’re made of!
If you have any feedback for the guide please let me know. Otherwise if you have any further questions you can usually find me streaming MS2 on Twitch (link in the Google Doc)!
Take it easy, mate!
Thanks to Gremmies, Faze and Shiffon who helped me to compile this knowledge!
Regarding the Current Ban Wave
The current state of the Subreddit suggests there to be an automated ban wave. We have already reached out to Nexon for more information, and will provide them as they become available. Be advised that updates may take time, as if previous years are any indication, Nexon staff are likely out for holidays until the new year.
I apologize for the delay in getting this post up, but do be aware that further verification and information will take time to obtain. Furthermore, if past events are indicative, a good portion of 'false ban' posts are made by individuals fully guilty lying about their circumstances, and verification of each case is nigh impossible from our end. The last thing individuals who are victims of false bans need is for people who rightfully deserve bans clog up Nexon's requests with false appeals.
At this time, we would like all new posts and comments be directed into this post, for concentration and visibility. Existing posts will remain up and visible so as to not censor potential information, but new posts, from this point onwards, will be removed.
Update 12/24 1:50 PM PST: In addition to leaving Aru a Discord DM inquiring, I have also sent out a tweet to Jungsoo Lee asking for clarification. Here is the link to the Tweet in question. Given the timing, it is unlikely for there to be a response immediately, but I strongly encourage community members to display solidarity behind this issue. As of current time, we have yet to receive additional information.
Update 12/24 6:40 PM PST: Jungsoo Lee replied! Glad to be proven wrong.
Maplestory Bypass V 97 Transmission
I saw team discussing this today and believe they are working to address this!
Time to wait and see now.
Update 12/25: Oh hey a statement! Sorry for the delay, I just woke up. Looks like Nexon will be reviewing a lot of these cases, which hopefully means many false cases will be overturned! Compensation TBA. Going to be hard to make up for 5/10/15 and DMT, but let's hope it's at least more meaningful than Power Elixirs this time.
As this situation has largely been addressed, this thread will henceforth be locked and unpinned. Please direct all discussions to the Maple Memo post.
EDIT 12/26: It has been brought to my attention that several outstanding autoban cases remain under different criteria, including but not limited to 'Modification of Kanna Skills'. While it remains difficult for me to verify the authenticity of these cases, I am reopening this thread in hopes of getting answers surrounding autoban as a whole, as well as the question of meaningful compensation, as many players lost significant amounts of time, and in some cases, missed events such as Double Miracle Time and 5/10/15 Sunny Sunday Perks.
Update 12/26 7:15PM PST: No new information as of yet, not too worried given the timing (if anything, the previous rapid response is the extraordinary case here), just need to wait and see.
Update 12/28 8:30PM PST: Still no updates.
Update 12/29 7AM PST: It looks like a large number of accounts flagged under skill manipulation has now been released.