Kaplan Step 1 Anatomy Lecture Notes Pdf
USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2018 (Kaplan Lecture Notes) are very helpful notes for medical students and doctors. USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes Anatomy USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes Behavioral Science and Social Sciences. The present USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2018 pdf has been designed to provide an integrated approach to crack the step 1 exam taken by the USA. The first section deals with essential science books like Anatomy, Behavioral science, Biochemistry and medical genetics, immunology and microbiology in detail.
Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2015 Physiology
Some copies with sticker on front: 'Talib Kweli (Blackstar) & Hi Tek -Reflection Eternal- / with De La Soul, Mos Def, Kool G. Rap, Xzibit, Rah Digga, Les Nubians' [Track#: publisher] 1 to 4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 19, 20.3: Penskills Music (BMI), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 5: Penskills Music (BMI), EMI Blackwood Music Inc./Medina Sound Music (BMI), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 8: Penskills Music (BMI), Nodlew Music Publishing (BMI), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 9: Penskills Music (BMI), Rah Digga Music (ASCAP), Hennessy For Everyone (BMI), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 11: Penskills Music (BMI), Illville Publishing (ASCAP9, DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 12: Tiye Phoenix Music (ASCAP), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 13: Penskills Music (BMI), Delabel Editions admin. By EMI Blackwood Music Inc.(BMI), DJ Hi-Tek Music (BMI) 15: Penskills Music (BMI), Daisy Age, Inc. Reflection eternal train of thought zip.
These 7 volumes of Lecture Notes represent the most-likely-to-be-tested material on
the current USMLE Step 1 exam. Please note that these are Lecture Notes, not review books. The Notes were designed to be accompanied by faculty lectures—live, on
video, or on the web. Reading them without accessing the accompanying lectures is
not an effective way to review for the USMLE.
To maximize the effectiveness of these Notes, annotate them as you listen to lectures.
To facilitate this process, we’ve created wide, blank margins. While these margins are
occasionally punctuated by faculty high-yield “margin notes,” they are, for the most
part, left blank for your notations.
Many students find that previewing the Notes prior to the lecture is a very effective
way to prepare for class. This allows you to anticipate the areas where you’ll need to
pay particular attention. It also affords you the opportunity to map out how the information is going to be presented and what sort of study aids (charts, diagrams, etc.)
you might want to add. This strategy works regardless of whether you’re attending a
live lecture or watching one on video or the web.
Finally, we want to hear what you think. What do you like about the Notes? What could
be improved? Please share your feedback by e-mailing us at medfeedback@kaplan.com.
Thank you for joining Kaplan Medical, and best of luck on your Step 1 exam!
Kaplan Medical
Intracellular fluid (ICF): approximately 2/3 of total of body water
l Extracellular fluid (ECF): approximately 1/3 of total body water
l Interstitial fluid (ISF): approximately 3/4 of the extracellular fluid
l Plasma volume (PV): approximately 1/4 of the extracellular fluid
l Vascular compartment: contains the blood volume which is plasma and
the cellular elements of blood, primarily red blood cells
It is important to remember that membranes can serve as barriers. The 2 important membranes are illustrated in Figure I-1-1. The cell membrane is a relative
barrier for Na+, while the capillary membrane is a barrier for plasma proteins.
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